
Thursday, April 5, 2012

Berry Blast Smoothie

 A lot has gone on this week.
 One of the many tornadoes that hit Texas this week hit on the other side of our town, but as far I know everyone is alright, but some of the houses are damaged and a few small businesses were destroyed. I think this was the first time that we actually stayed in my parents closet during a tornado warning because usually they hit nearby towns or cause very little damage so there usually isn't much cause to hide. I'm glad we don't have to many tornadoes in our area because there were 6 dogs, 3 cats, my dad, I fitting tightly in a walk in closet. I also took my purse with my chargers, my camera bag, a bag of Fritos (which came in handy to keep the dogs calm from both the storm & not to go after the cats), and the blanket I am currently working on. We had 4 dogs in the house when I remember my two, Marley & Oddball and when we went to open the back door to get them, hail came raining down. When we did come out of the closet, the outside was so dark you would have thought it was 8pm, but it was actually just before 5pm.
  There was no damage to out house or animals, except a few shingles on the roof came loose and none of our animals wanted to come out of the hiding places to eat their dinner.

  I have had this post for a while, but never did publish it, until now. I was going to actually post about a recipe I found for sweet -sweet potatoes fries with brown sugar and cinnamon unlike most sweet potatoes fries recipes with paprika and cayenne, but I can't seem to find the recipe today. Instead, I will try to make my own recipe tonight and them post it later.  So I'll share this smoothie recipe with y'all.

   This year I have been trying to make more beverages. I used to make smoothies and cook with my grandma during summer breaks when I was younger. My mom makes a smoothie and juices fruits and vegetables almost every morning. Her smoothies taste good except she uses protein powder and no matter what, I can always taste it and its gross. I have been finding more smoothies and recipe that have wheat germ in them.  I know that wheat germ is very good for you since it contains vitamins B &E, omega 3 fatty acids, minerals, fiber, protein, and complete carbohydrates.

Berry Blast Smoothie
Created by Rayna of Curious Country Cook
serves: 1-2

1 ripe banana, peeled
1/2- 3/4 cup orange juice
6 ounces of frozen mixed berries*
1/2 cup vanilla yogurt
2  tbsp ground wheat germ **
1/4 cup soy milk (or milk)
1 tbsp honey

1. Combine the banana, the berries, yogurt, wheat germ, honey, and 1/4 cup of the juice in a blender.
2. Blend for about 1 minute or until all of the ingredients are mixed. Add in the rest of the juice and the milk and blend until smooth.
3. Serve

*If you have fresh berries and do not have time to freeze them, just add the fresh berries and add a couple of ice cubes to make it cold. You can use whatever type(s) of berries that you prefer.
 ** I found that when using wheat germ in smoothies, that if you don't grind in using a mini coffee grounder or food processor, that it can make the drink have a 'grainy" texture, but I'm still new at adding wheat germ to drinks.
-You can use agave nectar or another form of sweetener instead of honey.
- If you double this recipe, then you would use 1/4-1/3 cup of wheat germ.

1 comment:

  1. I buy wheat germ but it is my mom who lives everyday using wheat germ...She'll be glad with this recipe i'll share with her.
