
Monday, April 2, 2012

Banana Pancakes

 So I only posted once last week and that was because I was busy and not feeling so great.

 I finally got down to 2.5 mg of Predinose, but my body didn't agree with that so now I am back up to 5mg for a while. I also had a doctor's visit since we thought I was getting strep since my throat and ears were painful, but the weird thing was that I could barely eat, talk, and laugh on the right side of my face, but the left felt perfectly fine.
Weird, I know.
 Anyway, my throat is better and I decided that I needed to catch up on posting. I have been thinking about banana pancakes for a while since we have not be eating the banana really fast so they end up getting get too ripe and because I already have like 4 or so banana-based bread/muffin recipes on here already. Around here, pancakes are kind of a rare breakfast unless you count my dad's "hobo pancakes" which is just biscuits split open and smothered in syrup. We only eat it maybe once a month or so; and I only eat my pancakes- the one's at Ihop and such always taste "off" to me and seem to soggy when you add syrup. Uck! My dad is usually happy with plain pancakes, while I like to add pecans or top it off with sliced strawberries that I mix with sugar so the juices come out.
 Also as soon as I thought about making banana pancakes, I though about Jack Johnson's song, Banana Pancakes.

"When the whole world fits inside of your arms

Don't really need to pay attention to the alarm

Wake up slow, yeah wake up slow
You hardly even notice
When I try to show you this
Song is meant to keep ya
From doing what your supposed to
Like waking up too early
Maybe we can sleep in
Ill make you banana pancakes
Pretend like its the weekend now"
Video here 
 I was introduced to Jack's music when I was at camp a few years ago and our cabin leader would play his songs when we had free time and I was hooked. She ended up making CD's for all of us girls and ever since then I have loved him. His music is calmer than what I normally listen to (Country, Pop, and Rock), but I think that is why I like it so much..its relaxing and makes you kinda wish for some rainy day weather.

  This weekend I will have some more dessert recipes since it's Easter weekend. We are having a lunch-in at church (I usually make cookies) and the youth is having a cake/pie/brownie sale. I'm thinking about red velvet cupcakes made from my Red Velvet Cake with Fluffy Frosting  recipe ( or just 2- 1 layer cakes) and maybe try a mini M&M cookie recipe since I seem to have a big bag of the mini's which I bought specifically for baking.
Banana Pancakes
Adapted from: AllRecipes

1 cup all purpose flour
1 tbsp sugar
2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 + 1/8 tsp cinnamon
1 egg
1 cup milk
2 ripe bananas, mashed
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
2 tbsp vegetable oil or natural applesauce
chopped nuts, optional

Combine the flour, sugar, baking powder, salt, and cinnamon in a small bowl.
In a larger bowl, mix together the egg, milk, bananas, vanilla, and oil. Slowly add in the flour mix to the banana mixture- the batter will be lumpy.
Heat a skillet or griddle over medium heat that is sprayed with non-stick cooking spray. Scoop out 1/4 cup of the batter -add nuts once one side is almost  done -cook until both sides are golden. 

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