
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

News & Summer Berry Crumble

 Last weekend was a long one.

  Friday I had an appointment with the doctor to get my meningitis shot and ended up finding out some news. I've been having severe lower back pains for a while, but we never thought much of it. Well, we mentioned it to my doctor and he suggested that I get some x rays done. He then took my mom from the room and showed her the spine of an average, healthy 17 year old's spine and then mine. Apparently the lupus has caused me to have no cartilage between my vertebrae of my spine so it's bone rubbing bone which is the same thing that's wrong with my knee which we found out when I messed it up a few years ago. None of my doctors ever thought to check my bones, except to have a bone density test since most of my issues with the lupus were with my joints and fatigue. My doctor gave me some medicine to deal with the pain, a prescription for these patches, but after going to 2 different pharmacies and waiting we found out they were both out of stock, and a number to a specialist that I have to meet with.

  I was also going to go over to my grandparent's on Monday, but they had some last minute plans to go to Kansas to see some family, so we decided to make it for another time. I decided that since 4th of July is only a few days away, that I would post something of that theme. I actually wanted to publish this post a few days ago, but the last few days have been dark around here which isn't good since I need only use natural light for my photos.

Summer Berry Crumble for 2

1/2 cup strawberries, diced
1/2 cup dark sweet cherries, thawed and drained*
1/2 cup blueberries
2 tbsp sugar
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp lemon zest
1/4 tsp vanilla extract
dash of fresh grated nutmeg
1/2 tbsp cold butter, diced

3 tbsp old fashioned oats
2 tbsp all purpose flour
2 tbsp brown sugar
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1/8 tsp vanilla extract
dash of fresh grated nutmeg
1 1/2 tbsp butter, cubed

1. Preheat oven to 375F. Grease a 16oz or 2 -8oz baking dishes.
2. In a medium bowl, combine the fruit, sugar, cinnamon, zest, vanilla, and nutmeg. Pour into the prepared dishes and dot the butter on top.
3. In a separate bowl, combine the oats, flour, brown sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg, and vanilla. Add in the 1 1/2 tbsp butter and mix until the mix is combined. Sprinkle over the fruit.
4. Bake for 20-25 minutes, or until the top is golden and the fruit is bubbly.
Best served with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.

*the original recipe used 1 cup strawberries, but I used what I had on hand.


  1. Is there any chance of cartilage forming between your bones? Doesn't sound like a good place to be at a young age.

    Your berry crumble look delicious, beautifully photographed too.

  2. You're not alone my dear. When I was 16 I was in your very shoes and was diagnosed with RA. It was horrible and I felt like no one could understand the debilitating pain I was going through in every joint. All I can offer you is to encourage you that things will improve. I don't share your outgoing attitude to blog (I'm simply not prompt enough to maintain such a thing), but can tell through out love of cooking and photography (and your commentary), that you are beautiful and authentic. You are intricately made, and Jesus is perpetually with you and will take care of you. He pulled me back to the safe harbors of his compassion and healing - if you're curious to know about recovery, or just vent, please know I will happily accept your response. You are loved. I hope this message finds you well.
